The Living Taff celebrates all the great things along the river's journey. The Taff starts in a National Park, makes its way through an area famous for its part in the industrial revolution, and has its estuary in Wales' capital city. For a long time, people turned away from the river as it was used by the coal industry to take away waste, but the river has since returned to life. We believe that the river can be seen as a way to link the area's towns, and be a protected place for people to enjoy and connect with nature.

Since starting the project, we have worked to bring attention to the river, by: organising events, walking tours, giving talks to groups, organising participation in the Big Jump, organising for young people to represent the Taff at a European youth network for rivers conference (where they shared knowledge of and the challenges facing their local rivers), and taking part in and supporting the BBC series: The River Taff with Will Millard.

If the river means something to you, and you're happy to share with us why, we'd really like to hear from you!